After all the promises of me doing better with this blog and i've slipped into my bad habits already... i need a kick in the arse!! Ok, so i've been in Florida for almost 4 months now and so far so good... no complaints expect for the fact that at times i wish i could throw in the tray and go lay on the beach that i stare at all day! :)
Work is going very well, i'm really enjoying the people i work with and the rich, old people aren't that bad!! ;) It also helps that at Johns Island hard work is appreciated and rewarded... i was given a raise a couple weeks ago, so all is well!
I've managed to squeeze some travelling in as well... went to Portland, Oregon in Dec for a BnA party... was loads of fun and i met loads of very cool interesting people, including one in particular who i will get to shortly. I also ventured to the west coast of FL, to a place called Clearwater, which is the home of Scientology (no, i'm not trying to tell you anything)... beautiful beaches and sunset! :) In Jan i took a week off and spent a very romantic 4 days in Key West and then myself, Julz and Roo jetted off to CO to visit my boys and do some skiing... lots of funness! I have another romantic weekend coming up next weekend in the Big Apple... yipee, so very excited!! :) :)
Ok, so now you are probably wondering about this particular someone and all the romantic getaways... well his name is Stu and we've been seeing each other for 2 months now, he's wonderful, amazing, kind, caring (i hope you are reading this Stu) and i've never felt this way about anyone... he has swept me off my feet!!! One small problem, is that he lives in Zurich, Switzerland... which is a strange way is actually a plus cos i love Switzerland (altho i've never been, but have always wanted to)... so there are decisions to be made, but i know it'll all work out soon :)
So that's all my news, i'm in the process of uploading fotos, but you can also check them out on the F to the B!! :)