Another year has come to an end... this decade has flown by, 10 years since i finished school and by golly it has been an interesting, exciting and adventurous decade! From working and travelling around the UK and the states to getting married and moving to Switzerland, as well as doing a self drive trip from South Africa to Northern Kenya and back... many tales to tell :)
2009 was a good year, with many important events or milestones (which ever is more applicable) taking place... fell in love, got married, completed my degree, survived long distance and moved to Switzerland... all and all, not complaints from my side :)
Looking ahead to 2010, it's going to be a busy year... at the moment i'm knee deep in wedding planning (which has it's fair share of ups and downs), we also have a few other trips we want to squeeze in this year including the all important honeymoon ;) i also have ambitions to learn German and maybe even find myself a job here in Zurich... right now i'm just focusing on getting the hang of this cold and DIY :)
A very happy 2010 to all my friends and family around the world... keep it real :)