Monday, February 19, 2007


It looks like i've slipped into my bad habits again... taking so long to post an entry in my blog! I do apologise for this, i don't really have an excuse... i suppose it's a combination of not really getting up to much and working loads!

Work is going well... keeping me busy and out of trou... oh who am i kidding, it's seems to be getting me into more trouble than keeping me out but that's what you get for working in a famous bar like Billy's... hehe! :)

For those who don't know, the A1 Grand Prix is hitting the streets of Durban this weekend, which is really exciting for Durban! I've managed to land a job for the main race day on Sunday... should be good fun, hopefully i'll have time to take a few photos!

Otherwise Durbs is it's same old extremely hot self... although February has been kind to us so far. At least i've had the time to work on my tan, looking human again after 4 years of being pale!

Still not 100% sure of what's gonna happen with me in the next couple of months, there are a few options each with their own pros and cons... i'm trying my best to work it out! Right now i'm trying to take one day at a time!

It was my godson, Jack's first bithday on 12th February... i can't believe he's a year old already... my how time flies! Talking of time flying, i've been home for almost 8 months now and it has flown!

And also on the subject on flying... it's Steve first flight today as a commercial pilot! :) i'm very proud of him and i know he'll make a success of this new job!

1 comment:

Travelingrant said...

lol. I saw that you were on my blog, and thought that maybe you'd have updated yours too! I guess not. :-( *sigh*

Have fun!