Look mom... no hands. Little Jack, a little bigger! :)

The oldest inn in the world
I decided to do a bit of the touristy thing whilst there, because i had spend 2 years in the city and hadn't even been to see the Robin Hood statue! Also i hoped on a train a couple of times, once to Manchester to watch my 'brothers' (who were on a school soccer tour) play soccer/football and again to London to visit my cousins, aunt and a friend (that is another story... Cheers pub in Piccadilly Circus rocks)!
Introducing a few of my very good 'friends' (Helen, Adam and Donna)... i hope the wind doesn't change direction and their faces stay like that! :)
All and all, it was just what i needed and also a chance for me to sort out a few issues! The 3 weeks went by far to quickly and most of my money was spent on alcohol! :) Nottingham will always have a big part of my heart!
PS my lil ol blog has now received over 100 hits... keep on reading and commenting! :)
Just as a quick footnote... and thank you Adam for the reminder, i'd like to thank Adam for providing my accommodation... a beautifully painted yellow bedroom and a very cosy sleeping bag... top draw! :)
Local is lekker!
Well i have one more exam to go and have started putting the finishing touches on my little weekend break to Chicago, so things are moving along nicely! Still not sure when exactly i am returning home... the agency is taking it time with booking my ticket, but i am really looking forward to setting foot on South African soil again :)
My cute, cheeky monkeys... those faces just spell trouble!!!
In December of 2004 we made a trip into the mountains (for a week) to Steamboat Springs for my first skiing experience. I was so excited... had a half day lesson and off i went! Skiing is an amazing experience... the extremely cold wind rushing up your nose and the fear that you might do a face plant any second... it's fantastic! I caught onto the concept pretty quickly and soon i had mastered the green slops (beginners) but was not quite brave enough and my knee was objecting to graduating to the blue slopes (intermediate). Steamboat Springs is a beautiful cowboy town about 3 hours drive from Denver, a great place to learn to ski and have a little fun!
The slopes of Steamboat Springs
My next skiing experience came on 2nd January 2005... went with friends of the family to a ski area called Loveland... it's the closest ski area to Denver, it's not a resort... just a mountain with some great slopes! After doing a few warmup runs down the greens i decided to give the blues a try. Needless to say on my first run down a blue slope i landed on various parts of my body on a number of occasions... but i never gave up and eventually made a run all the way down a blue slope on my skis (however you spell the plural of ski)!
Earlier this year i also ventured into the mountains to part take in a little skiing. I didn't know what to expect because i hasn't skied in over a year and i was skiing at a new resort, Copper Mountain. But as it turns out skiing is like riding a bike... you never forget, to turn you pick the foot that is facing away from the mountain up and that's basically it!! Oh and to slow down (that comes in handy) you make an upside down 'V' with your skis... snow plough as they called it!
What could be better!
Skiing is great fun and a good sport to keep you in shape, so hopefully i'll have the opportunity to ski again someday! :)
Home sweet home a little closer
So, that was my little tour of the sleepy city of Aurora! Colorado is a fantastic state, it's clean and there is some much to do, especially in the mountains (as you will see in later posts)! It's a state of 2 halves... one a desert, the other, Rocky Mountain High! Denver is called the Mile High city because it's... you guessed it, a mile above sea level! There are some places in the mountains where you go above 2 miles... especially when skiing. Colorado also has all the major American sports teams... Colorado Avalanche (ice hockey), Denver Nuggets (basketball), Colorado Rockies (baseball), Denver Bronco (football) and Colorado Rapids (soccer or football), who all do pretty well!
This has been my home for almost 2 years now (not the place on the left, that's the Capitol Building)... and a very good home it has been, but as we all know, there is no place like home! It's not long now and i'll be moving country and house (in about 8 weeks) and can't wait!
PS. i think the best song to fit this post is Aurora by Foo Fighters :)
The WTC site... looking down instead of up
Next stop the Stanton Island ferry, we were just going there to come back, mainly to go past the symbol of NYC... the Statue of Liberty! Pretty cool, saw loads of little sea taxis (with the famous black and yellow checks), the NYC skyline and the statue itself... it's huge! We then made our way back into the heart of the city and were given 2 hours to do our own thing... a group of us decided to head straight to the Empire State Building! After standing in a pretty long quene with the rest of the tourists, we made it onto the platform... don't look down!!!! The view is absolutely amazing, you can see for miles, the thing that amazed me most was the number of tiny yellow ants (cabs) there were and the size of central park... it's huge!
The Stanton Island ferry with Ms Liberty in the background
All in all, we covered most of NYC in about 5 hours... i'm gonna have to go back there one day (i'll have to wait til my next trip to the states), but it was an experience and a fantastic way to start off my American experience! The next day (June 25) all the UN of au pairs was rounded up and dispersed into the states... i headed for Denver!