March 2005 came along, which marked a year since i had left Nottingham and time to return! I was extremely excited about getting back... couldn't wait to see all my friends and my 'second' home again and i wasn't gonna let anyone stop me from getting there... including a very snotty immigration officer (what is up with me and immigration!). After landing at Gatwick 2 hours late, thanks to a snow storm in Chicago and then having to wait a line at immigration for about an hour while the people with British passports sailed through (i'm not gonna go there), the immigration officer decided to play mind games with me! Apparently i had immigration problems and was going there to get married (all i wanted was a holiday), i was sent to the naughty corner and after a further 30 min was finally called over, warned not to get married and sent on my way... needless to say i ran for it! :)
Being back in Nottingham was fantastic, and seeing all the friends

was even better! Everything was still the same, except for the fact the trams were up and running. I was there for 3 weeks and was gonna make the best of it... meaning to the pub! :) For the first week, i was in some pub or club (Cookie Club and Hogs Head being the fav) every night catching up with all the peeps, oh and we had Helen's 25th to celebrate.
The oldest inn in the world
I decided to do a bit of the touristy thing whilst there, because i had spend 2 years in the city and hadn't even been to see the Robin Hood statue! Also i hoped on a train a couple of times, once to Manchester to watch my 'brothers' (who were on a school soccer tour) play soccer/football and again to London to visit my cousins, aunt and a friend (that is another story... Cheers pub in Piccadilly Circus rocks)!
Introducing a few of my very good 'friends' (Helen, Adam and Donna)... i hope the wind doesn't change direction and their faces stay like that! :)

All and all, it was just what i needed and also a chance for me to sort out a few issues! The 3 weeks went by far to quickly and most of my money was spent on alcohol! :) Nottingham will always have a big part of my heart!
PS my lil ol blog has now received over 100 hits... keep on reading and commenting! :)
Just as a quick footnote... and thank you Adam for the reminder, i'd like to thank Adam for providing my accommodation... a beautifully painted yellow bedroom and a very cosy sleeping bag... top draw! :)
Should have told the wanker at immigration you were going to marry Robin Hood, and become Mrs Robyn Hood.........
That's awsome. Come in. Do anything you like, but DONT get married!
cant help but feel left out with ur accomodation i slaved over a hot paint brush to get that room ready and i thought the sleeping bag was cute adam xxx
u r all nuts
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