Monday, May 08, 2006


Just a few housekeeping issues... you may have noticed the pictures that are appearing everyday, it's something i am gonna try keep up... posting a picture a day (they may not be taken on that actual day, but just an interesting pic). Also, i said i would be slowly updating the blog with stories of my previous travels... i have started writing the posts but can't really publish them (the UK ones) until i return home and convert the good ol' 35mm film into digital, but i will start working on my trips around the United States of Whatever... ok, America! :)
I hope everyone is enjoying the changes in season... i know i am!
Ok bye

PS it would naas if a few of you would leave comments... please :)


Travelingrant said...

aren't comments great? they are like crack. you need more and more to keep up your addiction.

nice pic of Garden of the Gods. nice corona too. hmm coronoa. hmm mexican food...


anywho keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

why is the beer half full, were u not thirsty, or r u getting old....

Robyn said...

That was my third one and yes i am getting old! :)

Anonymous said...

wobyn, u r so sweet