Sunday, May 14, 2006

(USA back track 2) Rocky Mountain High and the mile high city

For some of you... ok, most of you who haven't been to visit me i thought i'd show you (thanks to the fantastic technology of Google Earth) where i live! I live in a city of Colorado called Aurora... it's pretty big and about 20 min outside of Denver!

Home sweet American home

Home sweet home a little closer

So, that was my little tour of the sleepy city of Aurora! Colorado is a fantastic state, it's clean and there is some much to do, especially in the mountains (as you will see in later posts)! It's a state of 2 halves... one a desert, the other, Rocky Mountain High! Denver is called the Mile High city because it's... you guessed it, a mile above sea level! There are some places in the mountains where you go above 2 miles... especially when skiing. Colorado also has all the major American sports teams... Colorado Avalanche (ice hockey), Denver Nuggets (basketball), Colorado Rockies (baseball), Denver Bronco (football) and Colorado Rapids (soccer or football), who all do pretty well!

This has been my home for almost 2 years now (not the place on the left, that's the Capitol Building)... and a very good home it has been, but as we all know, there is no place like home! It's not long now and i'll be moving country and house (in about 8 weeks) and can't wait!

PS. i think the best song to fit this post is Aurora by Foo Fighters :)

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